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On Tar Baby-cl - Essay Example In the book, â€Å"Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome†, the writer thought of three examples of pra...

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Maya Angelou Research Paper - 1336 Words

Maya Angelou is a phenomenal woman. She rises through all things that come her way and she refuses to back down. Angelou chose at a very young age to be a writer and a role model for many people. She believes that everyone should be treated equally and that the world should come together as a unity. Angelou had many careers but is known mostly for her poetic creations. She has come a long way from where she started and I think anyone can agree with me when I say, she has made us all proud with her accomplishments. Angelou writes poetry to inform and encourage others to carry on through the worst of times. She is a strong, confident, inspirational woman and I am more than honored to be doing my senior paper on her. â€Å"You’ve said that†¦show more content†¦Angelous concern for her son, whom she gave birth to at sixteen, brought her back to the United States. By thirty, Angelou made a commitment to become a writer. She was inspired by her friend, social activist, John Killens. She moved to Brooklyn to be near him and learn her craft. At the same time, Angelou had made the commitment to promote black civil rights. In the next four volumes of Angelous autobiography, she traces her psychological, spiritual, and political odyssey. She tells about experiences with Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Angelou writes about her involvement with the civil rights and feminist groups in the United States and Africa, her relationship with her son, and her knowledge for the hardships associated with the lower class. She read her poem On the Pulse of the Morning, at the inauguration of President Bill Clinton. After her reading of On the Pulse of the Morning, the poem seemed to be showing up everywhere. Clinton Pledged to protect the National Endowment for the Arts budget for Education and Arts. He used Angelou as an example of these actions. An April 29th acquittal of Los Angeles, California, policemen involved in the Rodney King beating caused a race war. This concluded with fifty deaths and around two-hundred injured. T here were about two-hundred fifty million people in the population in 1992. The national debt exceeded three million dollars. Angelou influenced hope that theShow MoreRelatedMaya Angelou: Speak Up Essay example1127 Words   |  5 PagesMaya Angelou experienced a life-changing event at the vulnerable age of eight: her mother’s boyfriend raped her. As a result, she chose to be mute for five years due to the emotional trauma this caused. Soon, a family friend named Mrs. Flowers, a wealthy and intellectual woman from Stamps, Arkansas where her grandmother resided, read with Angelou and helped Maya to express herself through writing. Mrs. Flowers taught Maya â€Å"words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voiceRead MorePerspectives on Hope: Eudora Weltys A Worn Path, and Maya Angelous Still I Rise1594 Words   |  7 Pagescan provide comfort, strength and encouragement. 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